Agribusiness  December 11, 2015

BizWest seeks nominations for ‘Deals of the Year’

BizWest is seeking nominations for the inaugural “Deals of the Year,” honoring the top deals in a variety of industries for 2015. Deals can be mergers, acquisitions, construction projects, leases, sales, venture-capital funding, expansions, etc. Deals will be evaluated by the BizWest editorial team, with consideration given to impact, complexity and size of the deal, both in terms of dollar volume and — when appropriate — square footage.

“We’re very excited to bring this new concept to readers of BizWest,” said Christopher Wood, publisher and editor. “The Boulder Valley and Northern Colorado have produced some amazing deals in many different sectors. We look forward to highlighting those transactions, delving into their impacts, and relating what’s next.”

Nominations may be submitted for the BizWest region of Boulder, Broomfield, Larimer and Weld counties. BizWest reserves the right to shift a nomination from one category to another, or to add or eliminate industry categories at its discretion.


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

Finalists will be announced in mid-January, with finalists and winners featured in a special edition of BizWest in early February, which will also feature the players behind the deals, and a look at how the deal came together.

Nominations may be submitted online.

BizWest is seeking nominations for the inaugural “Deals of the Year,” honoring the top deals in a variety of industries for 2015. Deals can be mergers, acquisitions, construction projects, leases, sales, venture-capital funding, expansions, etc. Deals will be evaluated by the BizWest editorial team, with consideration given to impact, complexity and size of the deal, both in terms of dollar volume and — when appropriate — square footage.

“We’re very excited to bring this new concept to readers of BizWest,” said Christopher Wood, publisher and editor. “The Boulder Valley and Northern Colorado have produced some amazing deals in many different sectors.…

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