Banking & Finance  December 10, 2014

Quick Left raises $500,000 from Seattle-based Lighter Capital

BOULDER – Local web and mobile software development firm Quick Left Inc. announced Wednesday that it has raised a $500,000 funding round from Lighter Capital in Seattle.

The money will be used to expand product development and align its products with the programming tools from Sprintly.

Boulder-based Quick Left merged with San Francisco-based Sprintly in January, with the two now having a Portland, Ore., office as well and keeping the Quick Left name.


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

“The merger of Quick Left brings a lot of synergy and possibilities for growth,” Lighter Capital CEO BJ Lackland said in a press release. “We really like how well the product arm compliments the consulting arm, and are excited about funding their product development.”

BOULDER – Local web and mobile software development firm Quick Left Inc. announced Wednesday that it has raised a $500,000 funding round from Lighter Capital in Seattle.

The money will be used to expand product development and align its products with the programming tools from Sprintly.

Boulder-based Quick Left merged with San Francisco-based Sprintly in January, with the two now having a Portland, Ore., office as well and keeping the Quick Left name.

“The merger of Quick Left brings a lot of synergy and possibilities for growth,” Lighter Capital CEO BJ Lackland said in a press release. “We really like how well the…

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